Cleaning a National Hospital and Consoling Child-Patients
On September 19, 2010, twelve members from the Cambodia branch of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation[Chairwoman Zahng Gil-Jah] held the 5th Clean World Movement in Chey Chumneas National Hospital in Takhmau City, Kandal Province. The Cambodia branch said that they held the Clean World Movement in the hospital in order to provide patients with pleasant environments and to help citizens understand the importance of environmental protection and hygiene.
From morning, the members worked with sweat for about four hours. They picked litter in the hospital park, garden and streets. They also cleaned up the fallen leaves and removed the weeds. Along with the environmental cleanup, they visited the children's ward, and delivered care packages to the children such as stationery, candy necklaces, tissues, etc. The children who received gifts were very excited with big smiles on their faces. Doctors, nurses and the children's parents thanked the members, saying, “We feel like the children will get better sooner because they seem so happy.”
Kung Chhunly, the director of the hospital, appreciated the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation[Chairwoman Zahng Gil-Jah]for holding the Clean World Movement at Chey Chumneas National Hospital, saying, “I am so happy about this meaningful event, which can help the hospital staff, patients and visitors understand how important it is to keep the hospital clean.”
This day, the Ministry of Health of Kandal Province of Cambodia delivered a letter of thanks to the Cambodia branch of the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation. Delivering the letter of thanks to Lee Yong-Mun the Head of the Cambodia branch of the WeLoveU Foundation, Park Phorn the Head of the Ministry of Health of Kandal Province said, “The Clean World Movement held by the Intl. WeLoveU Foundation, is a very important event which can keep the clean environment and change the behaviors of our people.” He also showed his wish for the WeLoveU Foundation to continue to do this kind of activity in all regions and provinces of Cambodia.
The Clean World Movement by the Cambodia branch started with the cleanup campaign around Chaktomuk River in front of the royal place on August 30 last year, and has been continued through the street cleanup campaign in Kandoeung region in Takeo Province, the cleanup campaign inside the Olympics Stadium, the cleanup campaign in Mt. Kirirom in Kampong Speu Province, and the cleanup campaign in Chey Chumneas National Hospital which was held this time. In addition to that, the Cambodia branch of the WeLoveU Foundation is continually working hard for voluntary services for the Clean World Movement and for their neighbors. They have built two water pumps in Krosang and Krang Ompil Towns in Takeo Province, repaired some residents' houses in Kandoeung region in Takeo Province, and also presented stationery to Bantey Trau Elementary School students, providing them with free haircuts.
New Life Welfare Foundation
2012년 7월 12일 목요일
2012년 6월 10일 일요일
Joy flowing out of the water pumps to the whole world
The 10th New Life Family Walkathon
IWF was aware of the seriousness of the water shortage in Africa, and took an active role to help African water-deficient nations through the “New Life Family Walkathon”
<On May 25, 2008>
When we read the book, “If the World Is a Village of 100 People,” we come to appreciate the things we have taken for granted and recognize how blessed we are. If the world is reduced to a village where only 100 people live, 25 will starve without food or shelter and 17 will be unable to drink clean water. According to the statistical report from the UN environmental plan, one billion people of the world are unable to drink clean water and exposed to waterborne epidemics.
In Africa, which is suffering from the worst drought, it is common to wander for hours to try and find drinking water. Normally 1,000 to 3,000 people depend on one water pump. IWF was aware of the seriousness of the water shortage in Africa, and took an active role to help African water-deficient nations through the “New Life Family Walkathon”which had contributed to saving children with heart disease and rare diseases.The goal of this walkathon is to save lives by supplying water pumps and storages to Africa where water is desperately needed. On May 25 (Sunday), 2008, at the Olympic Park in Seoul, the 10th New Life Family Walkathon was held by the IWF. The goal of the event was to save lives by supporting water pumps and storages facilities in Africa, where water is needed for their survival
On May 25 (Sunday), the 10th New Life Family Walkathon was held by the IWF, sponsored by the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Seoul City and Sejong General Hospital. In this walkathon, many celebrities attended: IWF Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자 회장님), IWF Chief Director Lee Gang-min and other directors, IWF Sponsor Chairman Lee Sun-jae, IWF Senior Advisor Lee Bae-geun, IWF PR Ambassador Kim Seong-hwan, IWF PR Ambassador Kim Bo-seong, Jeong Ran-hee the Representative Director of Sejong General Hospital, Jeong Yeon-bo the Secretary General of Seoul Council of Social Welfare, Professional Mountain Climber Han Wang-yong, Professional Mountain Climber Yun Gil-su, Vocalist Yun Tae-gyu, Harry A.C. van Woerden the Head of the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency in Korea, Rundla Rusima Jimi the Counselor of the Embassy of DR Congo, John Bosco Dery the Councilor of the Embassy of Ghana, Bev. Sodan the Chairwoman of the American Women’s Club in Korea and many more.
Sponsor Chairman Lee Sun-jae, Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자 회장님) and the invited guests try out “the water pump of love.”
In the Peace Square of Olympic Park, around 10,000 members gathered to deliver the water of life to Africa. On the square, 100 members from the International Voluntary Service Association of Univ. Students [Daejayon] offered face-painting and ran a water-saving exhibition booth and a water PR booth. Following the New Life Children’s Choir and the marching band’s performance, Vocalist Yun Tae-gyu, PR Ambassador and Actor Kim Seong-hwan and Vocalist Kim Je-hun entertained the members by singing impromptu songs on the stage.
Around 10 a.m. at the opening address of the ceremony, IWF Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자 회장님) appealed to the audience, saying, “We are one family living in the global village, so we should share love with our African family suffering from water shortage by sending the water pumps.” She also emphasized that water is life itself and said, “As little drops of water gather to form a stream and the streams gather to make a river, let us put our love together and let it flow to Africa.”
Following the congratulating speech from IWF Sponsor Chairman Lee Sun-jae, IWF Senior Advisor Lee Bae-geun, Harry A.C. van Woerden the Head of the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency in Korea, and Bev. Sodan who has been doing active charity business for long in Korea as the chairwoman of the American Women’s Club in Korea, all stood on the stage. Bev. Sodan complimented the efforts of the IWF for delivering new life to children and said, “The water deficiency is a world wide issue, and annually five million people face death for the water pollution. Now we, who are living together on earth, need to help each other.” She pledged to make continuous efforts together with the IWF to help neighbors in the global village.
Then the expenses for setting up the water pumps and water storage facilities were delivered to Ghana, DR Congo and the Republic of South Africa. The donation will be used to set up the water pumps and storages facilities in 60 regions in the above three countries. The guests tried out a pump set up beside the stage, and wished Africa to be revived with the water of love and new life.
After the ceremony, Chairman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자 회장님) opened the Walkathon. A breeze cooled down the heat of early summer with the fragrance of grass, and the walking path was overflowed with the members in turquoise green shirts that looked like a flowing river. In the month of May when everything seems alive, children were full of vitality, walking hand in hand with their parents. On the walking path, various events were prepared for the participants: “Walking Hand in Hand,” “Walking While Singing Children’s Songs,” ‘Walking While Breaking Soap Bubbles,” and “Making the Shape of Heart.” Also, friendly characters like Shrek and Keroro added more fun to the events.
Kim Gyeong-mi (37) from Gwanak-gu, Seoul, said, “My child asked me first whom we were helping this time. As I explained that our African neighbors were suffering from the lack of water, he was very surprised and said that he felt thankful for water. Through this event which promotes world wide benefit rather than individual interest, both parents and children come to have a broad mind and grow mature mentally.” The participants, who had a good time together with their family, said, “Through this event, we’ve built up our health both physically and mentally. It was very nice to have a family picnic and do something good as well.”
Professional Mountain Climber Han Wang-yong, who had climbed up all 14 peaks of the Himalayas, which are over 8,000m, emphasized the educational effects of this event. He was very moved that many children participated in the event and said, “We often see local people drink polluted muddy water and contract diseases. In order to help them, not only the water pumps but also water storage facilities are needed. Also, education for children who are future leaders is essential for constant support, and this event is a great opportunity for that. The children who’ve taken part in this walkathon will live happy lives, considering and serving others, because they will resemble their fathers and mothers who help others.”
At this age when the earth suffers from serious illness caused by human selfishness, the environmental movement with the spirit of “sharing” is essential for the survival of mankind. As little drops of water gather to form a stream and then a river and then an ocean, if we respect life and gather our love and effort, the global village will overflow with love and life.
2012년 5월 22일 화요일
the IWF Lima branch in Peru Built Temporary Schoolhouses for Santa Ana Girls’ High School Damaged by Earthquake in Peru
The IWF members from the Lima branch in Peru built 15 temporary schoolhouses for the Santa Ana Girls’ High School in Chincha city damaged by the earthquake.
- The future of Peru starts again from school - [11/05. 2007.]On August 15, 2007, a great earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0 struck Peru in South America; 500 were killed and 1,100 were injured. The damaged area was Ica state. When the earthquake hit Ica city, 200 people were in a mass at a Catholic Church and were buried. Pisco city and Chincha city were also severely damaged. Major high ways and 17,000 buildings collapsed, leaving over 80,000 refugees.
The IWF members from the Lima branch in Peru built 15 temporary schoolhouses for the Santa Ana Girls’ High School in Chincha city damaged by the earthquake. After the schoolhouses made of soil and straw collapsed, class was conducted in the tents given by international organizations from October 1. However the summer of the Southern Hemisphere made the classrooms hot like greenhouses and the students suffered from vomiting and dizziness. The IWF Lima branch in Peru was informed of this desperate situation from Anibal Luyo Del Risco the Deputy Mayor of Chincha City, and Hime Louis Uaman Akire the principal of the school. Immediately, the IWF Lima branch decided to build temporary schoolhouses. IWF Headquarters in Korea also heard about the news and raised funds to support them.
70 IWF members had visited the collapsed school first and thought over how to build the temporary schoolhouses. Then they themselves prepared all the materials, delivered them and constructed the schoolhouses for several days. They said, “Although it was extremely hot, we were able to work joyfully by imagining how happy the students would be when they studied in cool classrooms.”
On November 5 when the construction was completed, Anibal Luyo Del Risco the Deputy Mayor of Chincha City presented the plaque of appreciation to Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah (장길자회장님)and the IWF Lima branch in Peru. On November 7, Principal Hime Loius Uaman Akire (51) delivered the plaque of appreciation to Lima Branch Manager Kim Wang-hyeon.
Principal Akire said, “The students lost everything in an instant and were trapped in despair, but now they’ve regained hope. You have constructed not only classrooms but also dreams for the future.” He added, “I give thanks to the IWF members in Korea for presenting us with valuable dreams and hope.”
Lima Branch Manager Kim Wang-hyeon said, “I was very sorry to hear that the students were suffering from the natural disaster and absence of schoolhouses as well.” He wished them to overcome the trial and study hard in cool classrooms to become great citizens who care for their neighbors.
2012년 5월 3일 목요일
intl. We Love U foundation - chairwoman Zahng gil jah
“We Feel the Love of Mother in Korea, Our Second Home”
“Party for Foreign Workers in Korea to Share a Mother’s Love at Chuseok
[09/16. 2007]
“Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자 회장님) delivered the words of encouragement, saying, “Welcome, our family members from abroad. I can guess how difficult it is for you to live in a foreign country, because many Korean people also went abroad to work two or three decades ago. Pick yourselves up though you have difficulties. There’s a Korean old saying about the time of Chuseok (which is Korean harvest festival and also called Hangawi): “No more or less, but just be like Hangawi.” It means that all is abundant at Hangawi. We have prepared songpyon a special rice cake for Chuseok, and other festive food for you. Enjoy the food and be healthy.”
Various festive foods including songpyon, (which is a rice cake filled with various fillings such as beans, chestnuts or sesame seeds and steamed with pine needles) were set on the table together with the members’ warm heart. Just as Chairwoman Zahng Gil-jah(장길자회장님)called them “our family members from abroad,” there was a homelike atmosphere between foreign workers and the foundation members as if they had gathered in their home for a big traditional holiday.
A few days ahead of Chuseok, the International We Love U Foundation [IWF] held the “Party for the Foreign Workers in Korea to Share a Mother’s Love at Chuseok” at the Ansan Cultural Center (located in Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si) on Sunday, September 16, 2007. The IWF had held the “Love Sharing Event, Greeting National Holiday” every year, whenever a Korean big holiday drew near, and this was the 11th event. About 80 foreign workers who live in Ansan, where Sihwa and Banwol industrial complex are located, attended the party and it was a big success.
The party started from 11 a.m. and consisted of sharing festival food, experiencing Korean traditional culture and games, and gift presenting. On the third floor of the Ansan Cultural Center, the families of foreign workers and the foundation members enjoyed festive food. At an affiliated traditional thatched cottage, and on the lawn, events for experiencing Korean traditional culture—trying on Hanbok and making songpyon—and traditional games such as Tuho (throwing sticks into a barrel), playing shuttlecock with the feet and taffy-breaking game were prepared. The foreign participants enjoyed them with excitement.
Foreigners, who live in a foreign country where language and culture are different from theirs, long for their hometown especially on a big national holiday such as New Year’s Day or harvest feast. Each country has their own harvest feast and people share love with their family members and strengthen their unity, so this party reminded the foreign workers from six countries—China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Philippines, Russia and Nigeria—of their country’s harvest feast and their home. They said that at the beginning they felt lonely and went through many difficulties in this unfamiliar country. They thanked the host, saying, “Now we feel a mother’s love as if we were in our own hometown with my family on a holiday. We’re very happy.”
The foreigners tried on Hanbok and practiced kneeling and bowing, saying, “Hanbok is very beautiful.” The IWF members took Polaroid of the families who wore Hanbok and it gave them special joy. Ralin, a Filipino mother of three children, had fun, wearing Hanbok for a bride. Tuya, a Mongolian woman, said that it was very interesting to experience Korean culture, being reminded of delightful memories during the Mongolian feast, Naadam. It was not only adults who were interested in Korean culture, but children also had a good time: a child bowed in Hanbok; a child was highly elated, holding an arrow for Tuho; and a kid had a mouthful of taffy or songpyon.
After experiencing traditional Korean culture, each foreign family received a gift from the members with their best wishes for a happy holiday. Foreign children received more special gifts. At the 9th New Life Family Walkathon held by IWF in the past April, the children of the foundation members donated their valuables for children who are in remote islands and overseas, and some of them were delivered to the foreign children this day. The children smiled happily, receiving new school supplies and nice dolls.
Jargal Saikhan, First Secretary of the Mogolian Embassy in Korea, attended the event with his family and thanked the IWF for holding the party to share a mother’s love with his people, saying, “I hope that you’ll keep spreading the source of family love, a mother’s love, to foreigners.”
A mother’s love and the love for neighbors opened our eyes to the true meaning of Chuseok in this deep autumn.
WELOVEU - Awards Received

<Punjab Province of Pakistan>
Presented to:
Chair Woman of IWF ZAHNG GIL JAH (장길자 회장님)
Presented by:
Flood Relief Donation to Punjab Govt. of IWF From South Korea
<Citation of Order of Merit>

The Cambodia government and citizens present the Order of Sena in recognition of your contribution to the establishment of water pump, donation of school supplies, and repair work for residents' houses at Kandoeng region, Takeo, Cambodia. We deeply appreciate your support.
No. 848
Date of Issue: July 18, 2011
List No. 372
Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia
2012년 4월 30일 월요일
WeLOVEU < clean - up>
Mutha clean-up gets global push
On Sunday morning, an army in white T-shirts and yellow gloves assembled at the Mutha river to carry out the 2012 Clean World Movement. From the Kalyani Nagar bridge, one could see the group hard at work.
Organised by the Korea-based WeLoveU Foundation, river cleaning activity was carried out simultaneously across the world. Right from Mutha in Pune to El Paso in USA, Bellecour Square in Lyon, France, Magat Salamat in Phillippines and Hara River in Darkhan — the initiative was a synchronous step towards a cleaner environment.
The event was also part of an agreement signed at the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit. In mid-March this year, Zahng Gil-Jah(회장 장길자), chairperson of the International WeLoveU Foundation and Ali-Ben Bongo Ondimba, president, Gabon, agreed to cooperate with each other to cope with environmental problems.
In Pune, 400 people from all walks of life went about town collecting garbage. Colin Fernandes, a 21-year-old student who has been volunteering with the organisation for a year now, felt this was a great way to create awareness. “It’s like a world movement. WeLoveU Foundation expands worldwide starting from the Representative of Korea. The clean up activities will be organised concurrently to send a stronger message.”
From 10 am to noon, spreading in various time zones, garbage was collected and the issue discussed. Several black dustbin bags stuffed with cigarette butts, plastic bottles and paper waste sat around.
On the side, volunteers emptied the bags to form a big mass of garbage that Pune had effortlessly discarded into Mutha.
Raghav Shelke, a volunteer said, “One is surprised by the kind of garbage dumped here. There are toothpaste caps, pen refills, used cans, a pair of jeans, a torn leather shoe and several other things here.”
The black bin bags stuffed with non-degradable waste signified how much the citizens take the river for granted.
2012년 4월 24일 화요일
40 Countries of the World Responded “We Love You”
40 Countries of the World Responded “We Love You”
Volunteer Services at the 13th World Soft Tennis Championships Anseong
The 13th World Soft Tennis Championships was held in Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, from September 7 to 13. It was the greatest scale championship in its history by the participation of 500 athletes from 40 counties including new members from 15 European counties. The International We Love U Foundation, which was renamed to work internationally for saving life and practicing neighborly love, volunteered to improve national and regional image by preparing the cultural events for experiencing Korean tradition and volunteering for interpretation service during the championships.
Park Sang-ha, the President of the International Soft Tennis Federation (ISTF), visits the booth of the Intl. We Love U Foundation to encourage the volunteers.
200 members of the foundation, who are fluent in foreign languages, volunteered to interpret for 14 languages used in 40 countries. They welcomed all the teams at the Incheon Intl. Airport and guided them both inside and outside of the gym. 20 university student members helped foreigners experience Korean culture.
Although soft tennis has a world championship, it is, what is called, an unpopular sport and there is big discrepancy of ability between countries. So it was possible for the teams who dropped behind early in the game to be disappointed and return home. At this championship, however, the athletes who had lost the games and were in low spirits, got their smile back and had fun as if they enjoyed a festival. Monica Almasy, the Swiss team coach said, “I feel friendly towards Korea and Koreans. I feel like I’m in Switzerland.” The Dutch team coach Annette Decker wore a big smile, saying, “You are warm hearted people. I was deeply moved.”
The IWF booth, which was set up next to the Anseong City International Soft Tennis Court Main Stadium, had a constant stream of foreigners. People, who visited the place to experience Korean traditional culture, all said that they were deeply impressed with Koreans’ warm heartedness and the beauty of Korea. Especially, Hanbok which has beautiful color and style won popularity; foreigners were in line to try it on.
“A Korean dress is very beautiful.” A happy time together with the Belgian team
Jack Susa, the Dutch team coach, wore a Hanbok designed for a bridegroom and complimented it by saying, “Traditional Korean dress has beautiful color.” He also thanked the members who gave them a heartfelt welcome, saying, “We can know whether a man is sincere or not through his smile. I can see from your smiles that you truly welcome us.” The female athletes from India, who were happy to dye their nails with balsam flower leaves, made the volunteers admired, because their braided hair went very well with Hanbok. Among them, Sharfen Prit Kaur gave her special thanks to the interpretation volunteers, saying, “I was nervous to come to Korea because of the language barrier, but I feel easy because you help my communication.”
Trying Korean games such as—playing shuttlecock with the feet, slapping match, Tuho (throwing sticks into a barrel)—and tasting Dalgona (Korean’s sweet cookie made with sugar and baking powder), the athletes from various countries said, “We’re happy regardless of game result.” They shared love and friendship, responding “We love you! We love Korea!” to the members’ message, “We love you.”
Foreign athletes enjoy traditional Korean games such as slapping match, playing shuttlecock with the feet and Tuho.
The board members of each team and guests visited the IWF booth and asked the members to come to their countries, saying, “I hope this kind of love-sharing movement will spread throughout the world.” Furthermore, the Scottish team thanked for enthusiastic and systemic support of the IWF and requested PR materials of the foundation, saying, “We will submit it to the National Assembly to make a foundation like IWF in our country.” The Minister of Sports of Mongolia, Naranbaatar, thanked the members, saying, “Our Mongolian team made a good score thanks to your cordial reception and support.” Park Sang-ha the President of the International Soft Tennis Federation (ISTF), and Lee Dong-hui the Mayor of Anseong city complimented the members, saying, “Volunteers are the driving force behind international events.”
The members, who finished all their volunteer work by interpreting at the farewell ceremony at the airport on September 14, said good-bye to the athletes, wishing them remember Koreans’ love towards the world.
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